
  • Please accurately outline all the buildings you can find. The outline should be for the full size of the building even if it is partly covered by trees in the imagery. Do not include the shadow of the building.
  • In the iD web editor the first time you map a building you will use the "Building Features" category and then at the top of the list select "Building" again. This is the most generic building tag we can use as we almost never can identify the more specific use of any building from imagery alone
  • Most buildings are rectangular, after drawing the outline, use the 's' key in the iD web editor to "square" the corners
  • For round buildings use the 'o' key in the iD editor to create a round building.
  • Many buildings are very close to each other but do not actually touch each other. Try to map as close as possible without overlap or accidentally connecting to roads or residential area outlines. In the iD web editor, holding down the "alt" key will keep nodes from "snapping" to each other and accidentally connecting. Zoom in to make this easier.
  • Only if you have personal, direct information about a building, please add that information to the building, like the name or type of building (hospital, school, gas station, etc.)

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