Maintaining Relations

Existing Partners

Of course those interested in becoming liaisons should know who our current partners are. However, for privacy protection the list of contacts is securely maintained by HOT Operations Staff. After endorsement Partner Liaisons will have access to the document upon approval of Operations or the Executive Director. Other information on existing partnerships is available to the public and all documentation you have permission to view will be in the HOT Drive: Partner/Project Folder (save the link).

Brief Partner List

As we are constantly making new connections, the following is only a brief list of current partners at the creation of this course:

  • The Red Cross - most significant collaborations with American and British Red Cross
  • Various UN agencies such as UNOCHA and the World Bank, and Médecins Sans Frontières in all of our programs (Disaster Mapping, Community Building and Technical Development)
  • Digital Globe, AIRBUS D&S, Google Crisis Response, ITHACA, Bing, Amazon, Mapbox, Planet Labs, UAviators, UNSAT, the USGS and the US State Department - HIU for imagery as well as other collaborations.
  • Liaisons also help maintain relationships with our donors including the Hewlett Foundation, Humanitarian Innovation Fund and Knight Foundation among others mentioned above.

Partner Projects

One way HOT maintains lasting partnerships is by engaging in collaborative projects. These are showcased on the website which also allows for co-branded messaging through updates. Liaisons involved in these projects ensure that the project page and updates are published and maintained. Visit the Partnership Page to explore these partner projects.


Which of the following is NOT an HOT partner project?

  • Overpass Turbo
  • American Red Cross
  • Missing Maps

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