OSM Imports

Items to Read

Before ever attempting a data import, have a thorough understanding of the OpenStreetMap copyright and licensing.

Importing Data

Importing can never be a rushed process, often the Data Activator(s) need to explain the restrictions even when it is a life saving potential.


The single most important factor to whether or not a dataset should be imported is the license, there are several immediate flags that may mean no:

  • Share Alike - some share alike licenses may be compatible for tracing or even direct import to OSM, but should be carefully inspected and may require specific permissions.
  • Non-commercial - this is an absolute no, unless the original author grants explicit permission.
  • Any proprietary license that would normally be illegal to copy.

Even with very restrictive license, if the original author/creator of the data is willing to grant explicit permission, it can be imported into OpenStreetMap; HOT has a form-letter that fulfill that explicit permission granting.

Import Process

There are several steps to the import process once the license has been verified as compatible or permission is granted to import, the full explanation is on the Import page of the OSM Wiki:


The first and most important step of an import is to verify the what complies with the ODbL?

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