Managing Priorities

Now that you know how to build quality projects, let's discuss some tactics for prioritizing many projects for a moderate to major event so all mappers have something to do but the Validators, Activation Leads and OSM users don't pull their hair out trying to figure what is complete/useful.

Prioritizing Projects

This lesson will cover some example ways that HOT coordinates with partners and people in the field to prioritize mapping.

Initial Priorities

Often in Phase 1, the Activation Lead(s) will rely on the judgement of the Tasking, Data and Imagery roles to determine what immediate projects can be initiated, often for more skilled mappers, such as improving the road network of the entire area of interest. Keep in mind that the Tasking Manager may not be the best tool, or necessary to get mapping started.

Coordinating Priorities

The Activation Lead plus Partner Liaisons will work with the Tasking Activator(s) to prioritize the tasks in response to request as well as assessment of the area of interest and size-up of event to determine the area of interest and tagging scheme.

Communicating Priorities

Work with the Reporting Role folks to build and maintain a table of priorities on the wiki-page; the West Africa Ebola Activation wiki-page is a good example of a complex system to track and maintain project priorities.


Tasking Role folks are solely responsible for setting and maintaining mapping project priority?

  • True
  • False

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