Tasking Role: Activator Endorsement

After you have completed the course exam you will be added to the roster as a Tasking Trainee. Review these assignments for specific requirements, some items can be completed outside of an Activation but at least one requirement will need to be completed while performing the role during an Activation.

Part 1: Project Manager Request

Visit http://tasks-demo.hotosm.org and log-in with your OpenStreetMap account, it is not required to do any mapping, just to log-in and give permission for the development instance of the OSM Tasking Manager to access your OSM profile.

Once you've done so, visit https://groups.google.com/a/hotosm.org/forum/?hl=en#!forum/tm-project-managers and apply for membership; remember to include your OSM Username in the additional information box and briefly introducing yourself; mention that you are taking the course and a little about why you are interested in performing this role and why you think it is important to a successful Activation.

You will receive a reply that you have been added to the Project Manager mailing list (group) and your OSM account has been given the Project Manager role, proceed to part 2.

Part 2: Draft Project

Create a draft project on the development instance of the OSM Tasking Manager, make sure to include thorough instructions and other appropriate settings.

Once you are satisfied, insert a link to the project and a brief description of the desired outcomes into the text submission box for this assignment.

An experience Tasking Role Activator will review your draft project, provide feedback and once satisfied will grant your OSM account Project Manager permissions on the main instance of the OSM Tasking Manager here: http://tasks.hotosm.org/

Part 3: Disaster Mapping Project

The final step to gain endorsement for the Tasking Role is during an Activation or simulation, coordinate with Activation Lead(s), Data, Imagery and Validation roles to maintain priorities and/or create project(s); provide a brief description of the activities performed and the names of the Activators you collaborated with in the text box for this assignment.

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