Reporting: Activator Endorsement

After you have completed the course exam you will be added to the roster as a Reporting Trainee. Review these assignments for specific requirements, some items can be completed outside of an Activation but at least one requirement will need to be completed while performing the role during an Activation.


In an email to your mentor, briefly tell us why you are interested in performing this role and why you think it is important to a successful Activation?

Wiki Editing

Create or update a significant project wiki-page; this can be an Activation page, country/regional page or other OSM related wiki-page; include the link, preferably to the history of your edits versus the main/latest page link, and a brief description of the page and your contributions in an email to your mentor.

Activation Review

Document an Activation or Exercise Simulation (After Action) Review: provide the Activation or Simulation name and the Activator Mentor who gave guidance/endorsement during this activity in an email to your mentor.

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